
I have sexual urges — Juliana ‘Toyo Baby’ Olayode



Juliana Olayode, a Nollywood actress, has revealed that she has been experiencing strong sexual urges that may lead her to marry.

The 27-year-old revealed this on her Instagram page on Sunday, lamenting how her mind keeps craving s#x and how difficult it has been to abstain.

She came to the conclusion that she was considering marriage to help control her sexual desires.


“Your dearest sister has been through a lot,” she wrote. My body has been fighting me like I’ve forgotten who I am.

“It’s becoming more difficult to avoid s#x. My entire mind is screaming s#x.

“You don’t realize that I am under even more pressure than you are. With the way things are going, I’m considering getting married for s#x.


“I’ve never struggled sexually as much as I have in the last few months.” The temptations were enormous. “I almost thought I was cursed,”

The Northeast is still in crisis, with 8.3 million people in need, according to the United Nations.

Juliana exhorted her audience to find strength in their faith while advocating for premarital sex abstinence.


“Again, I was reminded that your strength will fail you on this journey, and that it takes God to please God,” she said.

“We cannot walk this path on our own strength; otherwise, we will fall.”

“I decided to share my struggles in the hopes of encouraging at least one person.” Some of you who believe I have superpowers should know that I am made of flesh and blood just like you.


“Every day, I have to decide whether to abstain from s#x or to remain sexually pure.

“This is also to encourage someone who is on the verge of giving up on this journey to persevere.” Remember why you started, and find strength in God and his word.”

