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19 APC-controlled states not committed to fighting corruption – Falana says Nigeria’s problem started with Babangida



TRACKING>>- Human rights lawyer, Femi Falana, has accused the military administration of Ibrahim Babangida of plunging Nigeria into economic mess

– Falana also criticised the Nigerian states controlled by the APC of not being committed to the fight against corruption

– The senior lawyer wanted the government of President Buhari to share N1 billion anti-corruption proceeds to local government councils


Femi Falana, Nigeria’s senior lawyer and rights activist, has accused the military administration of Ibrahim Babangida of being partly responsible for the current economic challenges facing the country currently.

Falana hinged the challenges on the introduction of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) by the administration of military government of Babangida in 1986, which led to the selling of public assets to wealthy Nigerians.

The human rights lawyer also slammed states controlled by the All Progressives Congress (APC) saying they are not truly bothered about the fight against corruption.


According to him, this is why out of the 20 states controlled by the APC, only Kano has an established anti-corruption agency.

Falana, who delivered a keynote paper at a two-day stakeholders’ dialogue on corruption in Kano, said: “But if we are to fight corruption effectively as a country, the job shouldn’t be only that of the federal government.

“Even at the federal level too, federal government has too much control over EFCC and ICPC such that they are selective in their probes.”


He said government should focus more on wealth creation rather than putting all its arsenals on the final against corruption.

The lawyer also urged the government to release at least N1 billion from the N606 billion recovered through the whistleblowing policy as well as other looted funds to each of the local government councils in Nigeria to enable them develop the grassroots.

He also asked Nigerians to begin to demand for their rights stipulated in the constitution.


Speaking earlier, the chairman of the public complaint and anti-corruption commission, Malam Magaji Rimingado, said the commission is waiting for the police concerning the N6.8 million allegedly swallowed by a gorilla. earlier reported how Governor Abdullahi Ganduje ordered a probe into how a gorilla allegedly swallowed of N6.7 million at the Kano zoological gardens.

The governor asked the state’s anti-corruption commission to investigate the circumstances that led to the disappearance of the fund.

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