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Ethnic youth leaders endorse Pinnick, NFF board



TRACKING>>A coalition of ethnic youth leaders have passed a vote of confidence on the Amaju Pinnick-led board of the Nigeria Football Federation.

Pinnick Amaju

Arising from the six geopolitical zones national delegate meeting of the ethnic youth leaders held under the auspices of Coalition of Ethnic Nationality Youth Leaders of Nigeria (CENYLON) last Thursday, the council examined the various issues in the Nigerian polity with a view to contributing to lending her hands in support and voice to important national discourses.

The meeting was convened by Comr. Eric Oluwole, the National Coalition Chairman of the council who also doubles as the President of Yoruba Youth Council and Agbateyiniro Weyinmi Isaac- Dep Ethnic National Spokesman and President, Itsekiri National Youths Council.

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The CENYLON noted with huge concern the activities of detractors who are working in cahoots with politicians and their yes men to undermine the progress made so far by the Nigerian Football Federation led by Amaju Pinnick.

“We want the whole world to know that no administration had done as much as the Amaju Melvin Pinnick led NFF Board has been able to do by putting Nigerian Football on the global map on the field and in the boardroom through working tenaciously and diligently.

“We want the world to know some of his achievements so far in NFF board,” the group said in a communique.

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