
PDP Wins All Chairmanship, Councilorship Seats In Ebonyi LG Polls



The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has won all the chairmanship and councilorship seats in the elections conducted in the 13 local government areas (LGAs) of Ebonyi State.

The Chairman of the Ebonyi State Independent Electoral Commission (EBSIEC), Jossy Eze, announced this on Sunday in Abakaliki, the state capital.

He disclosed that among the 13 political parties that participated in the polls conducted on Saturday, the candidates of the PDP won all the 13 LGAs and cleared the 171 wards in the state.


Eze explained that EBSIEC adopted the chairmanship results for the 13 LGAs as announced by various LGA returning officers, as well as the councillorship results announced at the 171 electoral wards.

He commended all stakeholders involved in the conduct of the elections, especially the contestants for their spirit of sportsmanship.

A map of Ebonyi, a state in south-east Nigeria.

The EBSIEC boss also thanked the state government “for not interfering in the conduct of the elections,” noting that this helped in making the polls credible, free, and fair.

He said, “The elections have been won and lost, but the victory is for everybody who participated in the elections.


“The winners should carry everybody along and everyone should contribute to delivering democratic dividends to people at the grassroots, which the local government areas represent.”

In the poll conducted in Abakaliki LGA, Emmanuel Nwangele was declared the winner of the chairmanship position while Obiageri Oko-Enyim, Eni Uduma, Chinyere Nwogbaga, won the chairmanship seats in Afikpo North, Afikpo South, and Ebonyi LGAs respectively.

Similarly, Dr Nora Alo won the chairmanship seat in Ezza North LGA, while EBSIEC declared Kenneth Eze, Stephen Orogwu, Henry Eze, and Onyebuchi Ogbadu as the chairmen-elect in Ezza South, Ikwo, Ishiellu, and Ivo LGAs.


Others who won the chairmanship seats in the polls included Paul Nwogha (Izzi LGA), Chinyere Iyioku (Ohaozara LGA), Clement Odah (Ohaukwu LGA), and Felix Igboke (Onicha LGA).

