
Why Women Do Cosmetic Surgery – Toke Makinwa Spills



Controversial Nigerian media personality, Toke Makinwa has revealed that women do cosmetic surgery to look good for themselves and not to impress men.

According to the divorced media girl and serial entrepreneur via Twitter, disclosed the boob job and cosmetic surgery women undergo is not for men but for themselves. She also went further to add that women are doing things for themselves and not for the attention of men.

Read her tweet below;

“That boob job is not for you, maybe she loves how her boobs look in cloths, that liposuction??? She wasn’t thinking of a man, she probably got tired of fighting fat that won’t shift. Women look good for themselves and not to impress men.

Overhead a couple of guys talking about women and cosmetic surgery, dear men, I know you love to think that the whole existence of a woman is to pursue you or try to live for you but pls take this from me, women are doing things to look good for themselves, it ain’t about you.”

See post below;

