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Yari Briefs Buhari on Security Situation in Zamfara



Gov. Abdulaziz Yari of Zamfara on Thursday in Abuja briefed President Muhammadu Buhari on security development in the state.

Yari had on Dec. 27 called on President Buhari to declare state of emergency in Zamfara to check the persistent killing of innocent citizens by bandits across the state.
“I am also in support of the declaration of state of emergency if it will save the lives of people of the state,’’ Yari said while addressing newsmen in Gusau.
Speaking to State House correspondents after the closed door meeting with the president, Yari said his call for the imposition of state of emergency was informed by the need to find a lasting solution to the security challenges facing the state.
He stated that he briefed the president on the outcome of security meeting held by heads of security organisations in the state on the best ways to address the problem of insecurity in Zamfara.
“You are aware of what is happening in Zamfara state and some parts of our neigbouring states on the issues of banditry, abduction and general insurgency.
“So, it is important as the Commander-In-Chief to come forward and brief him on the situation on ground, which I did.
“We sat with various heads of security outfits in the state to deliberate on the situation on the ground, and we came out with suggestions on how best to address the security challenges in the state.
“As a state we are doing all our best to ensure that normalcy return and we have started getting results.
“We believe very strongly that with what we have on ground in terms of the number of security personnel, and with the support of the president the problem of banditry, kidnapping and insurgency would become history,’’ he said.
Yari, however, called on the Inspector-General of Police to deploy more police personnel to Zamfara to replace those who were transferred from the state.
The governor also dismissed the assertion that elections might not hold in Zamfara because of the ongoing fight against bandits in the state.
According to him, no single territory in the state is being held by the bandits, saying that the bandits only embark on `guerrilla tactics’. (NAN)
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