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Youth Leader Appeal to Buhari, Sylva to Re-appoint Engr. Wabote



TRACKING______A foremost youth leader in Bayelsa state Mr Nadu Okenema has called on the Hon Minister of state Petroleum Resources chief Timipre Marlin Sylva and President Mohammed Buhari to Re-appoint Engr Kesiye Simbi Wabote as a Secretary to the Nigerian Content and Monitoring Board NCDMB based on Merit.

He said Engr S. K Wabote has achieved a lot Building sustainable infrastructure and Developmental Projects across the region and giving him a second term will enable him Consolidate on his achievements and do more.

He further stated of his achievements in the State such as building an ICT Center in Okpoama Brass local government area of Bayelsa state, Science Laboratory at Twon Brass.
Gas Cylinder Manufacturing Plant at Polaku in Yenagoa local government area, Completion of the 17 Storey NCDMB Tower at Swali Yenagoa as well as construction of Sub Sea Learning Center at Opolo,
and Training of over one thousand five hundred Youth in the Direct Intervention Training Program.


Mr. Nadu describe Engr K.S Wabote is a square peg in square hole, a man passionate about developing not just Bayelsa and the Niger Delta but the Nigerian State at large.

In the words of Pa Awolowo, E.S Wabote is a Rare Gem of inestimable value thus he Needs to Continue as Executive Secretary of the NCDMB for another term to enable him Consolidate on his ongoing Developmental Agenda for the Board and the Petroleum industry, he added.

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