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APC faces a major crisis as Babachir Lawal considers defecting to the PDP.



Ibekimi Oriamaja Reports

The All Progressives Congress, APC, may face a major crisis soon as the party’s Northern Christian block, led by Ex-SGF Babachir Lawal and Former House Speaker Yakubu Dogara, is currently in talks with other political parties about a possible defection.

According to Track News, Lawal and Dogara have been at odds with the leadership of their party over the party’s decision to field two Muslim candidates for the 2023 Presidential Elections.

Both men promised to rally Northern Christians against Tinubu/2023 Shettima’s ticket.


“What we are doing is for Nigeria’s sake.” We are speaking with the Peoples Democratic Party, the Labour Party, and the New Nigeria Peoples Party, three of the country’s 18 political parties. The APC is the only party that has rejected us; the other 17 parties have not. So, for the time being, those three are at the forefront of our discussion, but no decision has been made.”

“Yes, Abiola and Kingibe did it, but was the election not declared null and void?” Have these people bothered to investigate why the election was called off?”

“I am an APC member, but we are the voices of those who have been mistreated.” We are weighing our options because it is too late to form a party before us.”


“We are open to listening to parties that are receptive to us. You know, some people are friendlier than others. Whatever the outcome, we will let you know but to tell the truth, we are in talks,”.

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