
States With Workable Water Master Plan To Get N3bn Annually – FG



The Minister of Water Resources, Suleiman Adamu, yesterday said that any state of the Federation that operates a workable master plan for the provision of water will henceforth receive N3bn annually from the Federal Government.

Adamu also revealed that President Muhammadu Buhari will declare a state of emergency on water and sanitation come November 8.

Adamu said this during the Special Town Hall Meeting of the Federal Government held at Emeritus Prof. Theophilus Ogunlesi Hall of University College Hospital in Ibadan.


The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the town hall meeting was aimed at briefing the people on the achievements of the Buhari-led administration in infrastructure development.

“I wish to inform you that for the first time in Africa, President Buhari is going to declare state of emergency on water and sanitation, precisely on November 8.”

The minister condemned several abandoned water projects across the federation under the past administrations and said that the sum of N3bn would be provided annually to states with workable water master plans.


“The existing master plan on water resources in the country was abandoned and contracts were awarded without recourse to the needs of the country.

“To realise adequate water supply, we would increase our intervention to support state governments to the tune of N3bn annually. This would be for states that have proper water master plan,” he said.

He said that government would also return the monthly environmental sanitation to address issue of open defecation and other sanitation issues.


He said that the Federal Government was working round the clock to provide adequate water supply to communities and cities across Nigeria.

The minister said that the present administration had inaugurated many water projects, among which he said were to cater for power supply, irrigation dams and domestic water supply.

He said that “It is a shame that today, there is no single city in this country that can boast of pipe-borne water supply and 100 per cent coverage to all the citizens.


“This is why the president has decided to take up the responsibility of supporting water infrastructure in Nigeria.’’

