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Unknown Gunmen: IPOB Threatens Police, Army Over Killings In Southeast



In spite of its leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu being in detention, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has warned the Nigeria Police Force and Nigerian Army to stop attacking people in the Southeast.

The Biafra agitators threatened to unleash their wrath on security agencies and disguised unknown gunmen if they failed to stop killing innocent people in the region.

In a statement made available to newsmen, spokesman of the group, Emma Powerful, accused the Army and the police of silently killing people of the Southeast in a bid to execute an alleged ethnic cleansing agenda.

Powerful claimed that the people of Okporo and Umutanze in Orlu, Imo State, are being killed by unknown gunmen.


The separatists alleged that the security forces are disguising as unknown gunmen to massacre people, adding that the group would resist the genocide and retaliate if they do not stop.

The group also warned politicians allegedly conniving with security agents against people of the region to brace up for the people’s resistance.

The statement reads: “We the global family of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), by our great leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, hereby caution those who call themselves unknown armed men rampaging communities in Biafra land particularly those killing innocent people in Okporo and Umutanze Orlu, Imo State, to immediately stop the ethnic cleansing or brace for mass resistance by the people.


These evil politicians decided to sponsor Nigerian Army and Police to attack innocent Biafrans in Orlu and other places in Biafra land to implicate IPOB and ESN.

“The unprovoked attacks by Nigerian Army and Police on innocent Biafran citizens under the guise of unknown armed men must stop or the monsters will consume those that created them. IPOB will no longer allow the ongoing secret genocide against hapless Biafrans by the wicked Nigeria security agencies and their collaborators.

“We are warning politicians and traitors amongst us supporting this evil agenda to call it quits or brace up for the wrath of the people.”

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