
BAYELSA: Hundreds of APC members defect to PDP in Nembe



It Was More Of Canival Than Campaigns, As The HEBO Campaign Team Stormed Okoroma Clan 02/03/2023.

The Member representing Nembe constituency 1 in the Bayelsa State House of Assembly Hon. Ebi Ben Ololo visited Okoroma clan on the 2nd of march, 2023 to canvas votes ahead of his election coming up next Saturday.

The team was first received by chiefs, Elders, women and Youths of Oguama community amidst celebrations with melodies by the women in grand style.


In Ekperiama, the country home of the clan head of Okoroma, the team was received by the council of chiefs and all other institutions in the community, led by the palace secretary, chief Kienworio Nanyo with jubilations chants and great excitements.

Speaking at the palace of HRM, Engr Idibiye Douglas on representation, the palace secretary unfold the resolve of the kingdom concerning the candidates that have approach them for anointment ahead of the next state assembly elections.

Consequently, they left no stone untouched and gave a nod to the candidature of Hon Ebi Ben Ololo as their sole candidate. This was followed by a symbolic, historic and cultural presentation of traditional regalia such as “inziri”, ” Doni” and other cultural attires,aimed at preparing him spiritually and physically fit and ready for the context ahead.


Another significant royal item gifted him at the palace is, a lamp signifying light, urging him to go conquer and bring light to the constituency and LGA at large.

Due to the indisputable fact that communities in the clan shared common cultures and traditions, the Team was received in similar fashion in almost all communities visited. However, in Akakumama community, the hope of victory became glaring as hundreds of APC faithfuls led by Ayebanengiyefa Inainko APC Ward 9 women leader and was gladly received by the Ward 9 PDP chairman Hon Nathaniel E. Jacob who assured them of equal rights and privileges.

Responding to the common range of demands of the various communities in the clan, the Hon. Ebi Ben Ololo promised a One-Point- agenda that is, the Ogbia-Okoroma road which according to him, have already been captured by the state government to commence on or before the first quarter of 2024. Noting that it shall bring social and economic development to the area.


He however, responded immediately to a range of urgent demands presented to him by leadership of some communities.

Communities visited by the team includes: Oguama, Ekperiama, Eminama, Ibo, Sounkiri, Sangakubu, Iwokiri Akakumama, Dorgu Iwoama, Ologoama, Ombukiri and the Tereke’s.

Consequently, while craving their indulgence to vote him, he also admonished them to support programs and policy direction of the prosperity government.


The Ninja was accompanied by some top government functionaries, which include:

Mrs Remi kuku- BOT PDP,
Former executive Chairman Nelga Hon Bioghoemi Emina others are Technical Adviser to The Governor on NDDC matters, Hon Nye Nye Mathias Kuro and Director for center for youth Development, Hon George Sibi Matthew.

