
Nigerians tired of APC’s misrule – Saraki



Former Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki, has said Nigerians have been thrown into hardships by the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC-led government.

“From my trip round the country, I discovered that Nigerians are tired of the ruling APC government because they are overwhelmed with hardships,” he said.

Speaking at the inauguration of the 800-man presidential and governorship campaign council of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, for Kwara State on Thursday in Ilorin, the party’s national leader said it is time for Nigerians to vote the PDP to power to rescue the country from the current mess.


“Time to go back to the PDP is now at both the State and the national levels, by voting for Yaman Abdullah, the State gubernatorial candidate and Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, the Party’s Presidential candidate,” he added.

Saraki, defended the PDP’s 16 year-reign in the State, saying the APC government had failed to commission a single project for the past three and a half years.

He charged the campaign council to commence vigorous work and ensure victory for the party in the 2023 general elections.


“No time to sleep anymore, go to the field, door-to-door, house to house, ward to ward to campaign for the party to win the 2023 elections,” he stated.

