
Peter Mbah inaugurate 60-man Transition committee



Peter Mbah, the Enugu State Governor-elect, on Thursday, inaugurated a 60-man transition committee charged with ensuring a smooth transition ahead of his swearing-in on May 29.

Mbah, while inaugurating the committee in Enugu, said his blueprint to transform the state was achievable, adding that though the development plan might seem unachievable since he promised to transform Enugu in every ramification, especially the promise to provide adequate water for Ndi Enugu within 180 days in office, everything would be done to actualise it.

He said: “It is our hope that the vision we have for Enugu will take the enviable position it occupies in terms of development.


“I know doubters and critics may doubt our plans to transform Enugu, but we believe that they can be achieved because they are achievable.”

He, however, said with the calibre of people assembled in the transition team they would be able to craft a document that would help make their development plans achievable, which in turn, would “drive our vision.”

He further said that he expected the committee to encapsulate all their campaign promises and make them realisable, adding that the plans to provide jobs for the teeming youths of the state and equip them with digital skills could be achieved when the plans were put into action.


“We are resolved to see that our plans are realised as we are fully committed to the ease of doing business to make Enugu enviable,” Mbah said.

The committee chairman, Mr Ikechi Chioke, in his remarks, said with Mbah hitting the ground running, Enugu people would start feeling the impact of a new government within the first 180 days in office.

According to him, the committee would, within one month left for them, map out strategies to help the governor-elect deliver on his campaign promises.


He also promised that the committee would not disappoint Mbah and Enugu people.

“The honour you will do for us, the transition committee, is that in 100 days you would have done something tangible to show that indeed tomorrow is here,” Chioke said.

