
‘N11.9 billion stolen from the Kwara state treasury between 2011 and 2019’ – Details emerged



Adeleye Kunle Reports

A forensic audit report has revealed that between 2011 and 2019, at least N11.9 billion in public funds were carted away from Kwara State’s treasury without any legal connection to any project or program, among other mind-boggling revelations of alleged malfeasance, TrackNews Nigeria reports.

The audit also revealed that N2 billion in cash withdrawals unrelated to any project or official expenditure were made within eight days of the general election in February 2019, just one month before the election.

Partner at the SSAC and Professionals Anthony Iniomoh said the report was in two volumes and covered Internally Generated Revenue, Capital Receipts, Internal and External Loans, Recurrent/Overhead Expenditure, Personnel Cost (Salaries and Wages), Capital Expenditure, Assets Disposed, Kwara State Internal Revenue Service, Infrastructural Fund Kwara (IFK), Harmony Holdings Limited, and others.


“For the record, a few highlights of our findings may be required.” Our forensic audit revealed a massive theft of N11, 981,268,709, which we recommended be returned to the public coffers. Similarly, we advised the state government to prosecute certain officers and companies, as well as seek exemplary damages for transactions totaling N6,023,358,444, among other key findings,” Iniomoh said at the report’s presentation.

