
Yomi Fabiyi Responds to Domestic Violence allegations



By Adeleye Kunle

Yomi Fabiyi, a popular Nigerian actor, has responded to his baby mama, Grace Oreofe’s, allegation of domestic violence.
Remember that Grace accused the Nollywood actor on Monday of beating her to a coma while she was pregnant, causing her to flee the house.

She went on to say that she was subjected to forced labor and that the next day she fled the house.


Fabiyi denied ever being married to Grace, saying he has only been married once in the last ten years.

“I hate violence or crimes,” the actor wrote on his Instagram account. Men face a lot of domestic violence, but no one wants to listen to them because our upbringing stinks and it’s always emotional blackmail. Talkative people are those who talk a lot.

“One of the few things done sufficiently to cause me to react violently but endure.” You (Grace) forced yourself to stay in my house while still treating me like garbage and subjecting me to provocations. I tried to remain silent and deal with the situation properly. People like this, unfortunately, will always hold men hostage because they have a blog like this to carry out their evil intentions.


“Rather than going public, after four (4) reports to the Police at Ipakodo Police Station, the Police referred us to the Office of Public Defender.” The court conducted mediation, but she continued to use violence; thus, the Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR).

“She had nothing against me during the session, and the officers concluded that all of my allegations and evidence were true.” They advise us to live separately for the sake of peace. She chose to leave and travel to the East. We are not married because she was my girlfriend.”

“If this blogger was ethical enough to balance story before publishing, this syndicate will know it is not a story to publish as it will mean outright wickedness and evil against me and my career,” Fabiyi wrote in response to a blogger’s post.


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