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2023 in focus: who among these four presidential aspirants is the best to succeed Buhari ?



TRACKING______There have been a lot of speculations of who would succeed president Buhari. There are many politicians who have indicated interest to succeed Buhari.

Let’s see the list if those who have indicated interest so far and see their. Credentials to know who the crown would fit most.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu


The former Governor of Lagos State is a leader to reckon with. He has shown his wittiness in establishing the ruling party. His tenure as Lagos State Governor was one of the best in the country judging by him running then by just Internally Generated Revenue. He has accomplished a lot and he is regarded as a great voice.

With Tinubu managing Lagos without federal allocations, do you think he would manage Nigerian resources well as a President ?

Atiku Abubakar


The former vice-president of the federation republic contested with Buhari in the last Election and would like to succeed him. He is a seasoned administrator and a businessman.

Do you think Atiku’s experience as a vice-president and a successful business man would help him be a better President to succeed Buhari ?

Okonjo Iweala


She has been the Minister of Finance twice and she had done well in both spell. Even though she has not indicated to contest, people are urging her to contest as the first female president .

With her experience at the world bank and Economic adviser to many countries in the world, do you think she is the one to take Nigeria to a great Economic boom ?

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi


The former CBN governor and former Emir of Kano has not vocally indicated interest but some branded food items indicating his interest has surfaced. He did a good job as the CBN governor. He has been a voice for the downtrodden in the North.

Do you think he will be a good President ?

Who do you think among these four will make the best president ?

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