
Buhari’s daughter visits Fed Poly Nekede



TRACKING____President Muhammadu Buhari’s daughter, Fatima, on Monday paid an unscheduled visit to the Federal Polytechnic at Nekede in Owerri, the Imo State capital.

The visit took the management, workers and students of the school by surprise.

The polytechnic’s Rector, Michael Arimanwa, hurriedly called out some management workers to welcome the visitor and her entourage.


Though the reason for her visit was not immediately known, it was gathered that the President’s daughter was for an assessment of facilities in the institution.

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These, The Nation learnt, include the medical centre, where she interacted with some patients who she reportedly assisted to settle their medical bills.

Miss Buhari was said to have visited the School of Engineering, where she inspected some fabrications by the students, as well as other facilities in the mechanical workshop.


It was learnt that this was not the first time she had visited the school. She visited the institution also last year during the convocation ceremony.

The school’s Public Relations Officer, Ever Nwosu, confirmed the visit.

He said the President’s daughter had been in love with the institution.


“She loves our school. She had visited us though did not make any pronouncement. But she asked certain questions in some areas of interest,” Nwosu said.

