
Court Dissolves 11 Years Marriage Over Wife’s Stubbornness



TRACKING >>A Mapo Customary Court in Ibadan has dissolved an 11 year-old marriage between one Olufemi Ige and his wife Taiwo over her stubbornness and the couple’s constant fights.

The President of the court, Chief Ademola Odunade, gave the judgment in Ibadan on Friday

Odunade held that the court put an end to the union between Olufemi and Taiwo in the interest of peace.


He awarded custody of the two children produced by the union to Taiwo and ordered Olufemi to pay a monthly allowance of N8, 000 for the children’s upkeep.

Olufemi who lived at Agugu-Idiobi Area in Ibadan, had earlier told the court to end his union with his wife because she was too stubborn to be a wife.

According to him, Taiwo does things her way and does not let him have a say in her affairs.


“Taiwo is just too stubborn for me to handle because she does exactly what I ask her not to do. She is so disrespectful; not only to me, but also to my parents and other family members.

“Worst still, Taiwo is a habitual fighter, causing me problems every now and then. Sometimes, she even chooses not to go to Church, she simply does anything that pleases her,” Olufemi said.

The defendant did not object to the suit, but denied the allegations leveled against her.


She, however, claimed that the reason her husband wanted to end their marriage was because he had just re-married his first wife whom he sent away many years ago.

“Olufemi is an irresponsible man and his parents were all along opposed to our marriage.

“Olufemi deceived me that he had never been married before our marriage,” Taiwo stated.

