
Don’t Depend On One Source Of Income — Dickson



TRACKING____Theresa Dickson from Cross Rivers State was born and raised in the northern part of Nigeria. The actor cum business woman in this interview with ANTHONY ADA ABRAHAM, speaks about her life and her passion for the industry.

What inspired you into what you are doing?

A lot has inspired me to do what I’m doing. My major inspiration is the change or impact I bring into someone’s life. I’m happy when people are happy and see that I’m contributing positively
to their well-being.


What have you achieved so
far with your humanitarian

I try to always visit the orphanage or celebrate my birthday with them.
I give scholarship to three children to offset their school fees. Many of their parents are facing challenges, I just
try to help in any way I can.

What hurdles did you encounter during this period?


I have a lot of challenges to be honest with you, even if a lot of people think I have it all together but I thank God for always being there for me. Challenges are inevitable, They are what keep us going. If I want to tell you about the challenges and how I became who I am today, the paper won’t contain it. So let everyone know that I encountered lots of challenges.

What projects are you in to now?

You will see the few ones I did recently, when they’re out in the market.


What makes you stand out amongst your peers?

I carry so much love and light; and that makes me stand out, Some people understand it and some or most don’t understand it, Whatever the case may be, I totally get it, I am not in competition with no one. I can only be me and what I can do differently.

What would you say is the most
interesting thing in your life?


Every moment of my life is interesting.
Maybe because I don’t expect much from
people and I actually appreciate everything; every good thing. No matter how little. I think is interesting and every moment too.

Advice to colleagues and upcoming actors My advice to everyone
and colleagues in the industry is to be
gentle and patient with themselves. They should learn to love themselves, follow your dreams with realistic goals and always have a side hustle. Don’t
depend on one source of income because it may fail you.

What is your take about the dreaded COVID-19 that has continued to threaten the worlds existence?


Well, I’d say thank God I’m not in the frontline of pandemic because that is not an easy thing to do at all. And much respect to the frontliners, may God Almighty continue to protect and direct them so they won’t get infected. This pandemic is real and people shouldn’t joke with it. I pray God that we find a cure soon so that we won’t continue to have this tension always of
going out and meeting people . Our lives have changed and we all look like Ninjas now. We need to protect ourselves to remain safe. God is our protector. I believe if we abide by the COVID-19 rules and regulations from NCDC and government, we would be fine. The government says no large gathering of more than 20 people, keep a distance of two metres between you and the next person, Wear your facemasks, use hand sanitizers, eat healthy and stay fit etc. Let’s abide by the guidelines and we all be safe.

Which movies have you featured in?

Living In Bondage , Who Send Us Message, 6 Months Madness , Turbulence, Love Is A Prank, Ode Iku, Jacob’s Mansion, The Chameleon ,Brother Hood, Bankole’s House etc.


Are you married?


What are the qualities you want
in a man?


He should be God fearing, trusting, loyal, understanding, sensitive, smart etc

Where do you see yourself in five
years’ time?

Hmmm…I see myself doing great, exactly where God wants me to be. I also see my
businesses flourishing and my family and I in good health.

