
Elect Speaker With Credible Credentials, Group Urge Members-elect



TRACKING>>Ahead of Tuesday’s election for the House Speakership position, a socio-cultural and political group under the auspices of Middle Belt Alliance for Peace, Development and United Nigeria has tasked members to elect a Speaker with credible credentials to complement President Muhammadu Buhari’s anti-corruption drive.

The group also suggested Hon. Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba, who they say “is the best person among the aspirant to be elected Speaker”, insisting that this gesture will give the people of the South East a sense of belonging.

In a release to newsmen in Abuja yesterday, signed by the association’s National President, Comrade Mike Oche stated that Nigeria deserved a speaker whose credentials will not come back to hunt him in the country or at the international stage.


“Our main interest is geared towards who becomes the Speaker of the Federal House of Representative as earlier stated. This is because, there is no Federal Constituency in Nigeria that doesn’t have a representative there. In this connection, we mandated all members of Middle Belt Alliance for Peace, Development and United Nigeria in all the 19 Northern State and beyond to do thorough investigation especially on the profiles of those aspiring to be the no4 citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“We believe with all sincerity that he will emerge Speaker by the power of the almighty God! We also call on the APC leaders to reconsider the zoning of the Speakership position to the South-East to give every segments of the country sense of belonging devoid of ethnicity, tribes, religion and political affiliations. No doubt, Rt. Hon. Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba is the best person among the aspirant to be elected Speaker. He has no known report of criminality. Nigeria deserves a Speaker whose past will not hunt the House in particular and the country in general, and even at the international community.

“In this matter, sensitivity is key and having someone with smashed image will send a dangerous signal to the international community. President Muhammadu Buhari is a man of impeccable character and integrity with no affinity to corruption.


“We have many members-elect without any allegation of corruption hanging around their necks and with requisite experience to steer the course of the House. Thank God a decent, hardworking, God-fearing, highly educated and detribalize nationalist as; Rt. Hon. Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba, a one-time Hon. Member of the Federal House of Representative, a Gubernatorial candidate of the defunct Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) , else board chairman of Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETHFUND) and a chieftain of the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) who in all ramifications has enough leadership qualities and legislative experience to pilot the affairs of the Green Chamber of the Nigeria NASS is in the race. So, there’s no need to search thus far.”

