
Ex-Auchi Polytechnic Rector, Eboreime, dies at 70



TRACKING____The Federal Polytheistic, Auchi, Edo State, has announced the death of its former Rector, Prof. Friday Eboreime.

His death was announced in the school’s news bulletin.

Eboreime who died at the age of 70, served as the Rector of the institution between 1999 to 2007.


According to the bulletin, the late Rector who began his career at the Polytechnic, as lecturer, later served as HOD, Business Administration; Dean, School of Business, Deputy Rector, Acting Rector and rose to become the substantive Rector of institution.

He later joined partisan politics when he aspired for the chairmanship of Owan East local government area, on the platform of People’s Democratic Party (PDP).

Eboreime later went back to the academics, taking up a lecturing job with Benson Idahosa University, a private university in Benin, and later became a Professor of Business Administration.


According to Public Relations Officer of Auchi Polytechnic, Mr Mustafa Oshiobugie, information about his funeral arrangements would be released later by the family.

Meanwhile, the member representing Owan Federal Constituency at the House of Representatives, Prof. Julius Ihonvbere, has condoled with the management of Auchi Polytechnic, and the family of Prof. Friday Eboreime, over the death of the former Rector.

Ihonvbere who is Chairman, House Committee on Basic Education & Services, described the death of Eboreime as a rude shock to the people of Edo state and Nigerians, considering his contributions to the growth of Auchi Polytechnic, Nigeria, Edo State and Owan community.


He said: “On behalf of the good people of Owan Federal Constituency, I want to extend my sympathy and condolence to the Eboreime Family over the great loss.

“His forthrightness and commitment to National growth and development, remains an admirable trait to many in the society. He is an inspiration to many, who used his time and position in attracting positive development to the land.”

“In his life time, he was a great father and community leader, a dependable leader, a super academic, excellent administrator, superb researcher and wonderful teacher. A man of great integrity, his legacies will keep his good name alive forever.”

