
Hoodlums hunting for palliatives meet empty warehouse in Bauchi



TRACKING______Amidst the looting spree in some parts of Nigeria following the #EndSARS protests, some hoodlums who attempted to break into the COVID-19 palliative warehouse in Bauchi State were disappointed when they found out it was empty, Daily Times gathered.

Governor Bala Mohammed said in his Facebook page that some hoodlums attempted to loot warehouse. Bala said on Sunday that, when his Chief of Staff got information about the plan, he ordered that the warehouse be opened for them.

He said: “Today, hoodlums attempted a raid on the #COVID19 palliative warehouse in Bauchi State. My Chief of Staff was informed and he ordered the warehouse to be opened.


“They looked in and saw it was empty, and they turned back. And that’s because we shared everything to beneficiaries as at when due.

“For accountability, when we started distribution months ago, I ensured that I set up a high-powered committee that included myself, my deputy and chairmen of all political parties in the state, including traditional rulers, and others.”

He noted that his administration is determined to give the entire citizens of Bauchi State better opportunities for prosperous lives. “We are doing this, and we will continue to do more,” he assured.

