
How I Was Wrongly Accused And Spent 20 Years in Jail, Here’s My Bitter Story



TRACKING> I never saw myself sharing this sad story of my life but I think I have to do it for people to understand that not every victim is truly what they claim to be. Growing up, I didn’t have enough opportunities handed out to me. I had to be on the streets every day, working hard to put something in my pocket and belly. Despite graduating with a second class upper, I still couldn’t get it right in this country. Unsurprisingly, I got mixed up with the wrong gang, and we caused a lot of trouble in the neighbourhood. By trouble, I mean loud music, throwing late-night parties, cannabis, internet fraud and so on. We never set out to physically hurt anyone. I wouldn’t say I am an entirely innocent person. I had my fair share of run-in with the law but it was never anything grave.
The allegations that turned my life around came from a person I trusted with all my heart. I would have never thought Angela could do that to me. She was my girlfriend, who I paid all her bills and even some of her family’s. I always tried to make sure she was fine. Her well-being was my priority. Imagine my shock when I found out that mine wasn’t hers. The only way I could ever hurt Angela was by cheating on her. Aside that, I gave her my all; love, attention, effort and money. I did cheat on her multiple times but she forgave me every time and accepted me for my misgivings. At least, that was what I thought. Thinking about how everything turned out reminds me of the saying, “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”
While I thought Angela was forgiving, I was wrong. She was only waiting for the perfect moment to strike and indeed she got her moment. It was later that I found out that she was the one who began the rumors that I had added “plus” to my “yahoo” (meaning I had begun using juju in addition to my illegal business). It made the police start looking harder into my case and they wanted to nab me. I started getting random visits from the police and often got stopped while driving in town. However, that wasn’t the last nail on my coffin.
Angela set me up with one of her friends, who I was trying to get to go to bed with me. I thought I had finally worked my way into the girl’s bed, not knowing it was a setup. The girl came to my house and we had crazy sex (PS: she said she liked it rough and I gave her that). A few minutes after she left my house, I heard someone knocking again. I opened the door to find the police there to arrest me for allegedly raping a girl. It was like everybody had a vendetta against me. My girl detested me for cheating and the cops have been trying to arrest me for a crime I didn’t commit. It wasn’t what they wanted to arrest me for but they had me and that was good enough for them. No one believed me because I never really depicted a good image of myself. That was how I ended up serving 20 years in prison for a crime I didn’t commit. I am now 46 years old and trying to repair my image. It’s challenging but I will keep trying.

