
INEC to hold House of Reps re-run election in Ogun on January 25



TRACKING >This is contained in a statement issued on Friday in Abeokuta by Mrs Tadese Adenike, Head of Department, Voter Education and Publicity, INEC Office, Ogun.

Adenike said that INEC would embark on “supplementary re-run election as ordered by the Appeal Court in 13 polling units spread over three Local Government Areas in the state.”

INEC’s action, she said, was ” in accordance with the provisions of Section 30 (3) of the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended), which states that notice of Re-Run Election should be published not later than 14 days before the day appointed for holding of an election.


Under this Act , notice is hereby given that House of Representative Election shall hold in three Federal Constituencies: Ijebu North East,(11 Units) Ijebu-Ode (1 Unit) and Odogbolu (1 Unit) .

“The election shall hold on Saturday, January 25, from 10am to 2pm.

“To this end, the Independent National Electoral Commission, Ogun, on Friday , January 10, has displayed at the State Office of the Commission and the three Local Government Offices, notices of elections.”


TrackNews Online reports that the National Assembly Election Petitions Tribunal sitting in Abeokuta had on Sept. 9, 2019, nullified the election of Hon. Kolapo Osunsanya of the All Progressives Congress (APC) representing Ijebu Central Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives.

The Court of Appeal sitting in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital, had also on Nov. 6, 2019, upheld the decision of the tribunal which had ordered a re-run election and subsequently dismissed the appeal filed by Osunsanya.


