
Women, in politics, competence is not enough



TRACKING ____Politics like most human actions requires some individual and developmental variables. Because politics is about power and its usage by humans, anyone, man or woman who is ready to sit at the table at whatever level must come with an understanding that the dynamics for a productive political participation requires a lot individual and group development.

An individual has first to realise that politics is about the human being and as such there are basic requirements for an effective participation. Self-development is key. There must be a readiness to understand fully the essence and relevance of leadership and the people.

Because democracy is a government of the people for the people and by the people, it is a team work and as such, any individual wanting to be actively involved must be ready to breast all the qualifying tapes of participation. In party politics, there are requirements in personal development but it has to somehow rhyme with group interests when party politics is on the table. Politics requires a lot of hard work and bridge-building across groups, voting blocs and demographics.


The Roundtable conversation in interrogating solutions to the gender disparity in Nigerian politics sought the views of Funke Egbemode, a veteran journalist, former President, Nigerian Guild of Editors and currently the Commissioner for Information in Osun State. She had worked for about eight months as a media adviser to the very first female Speaker of the Nigerian House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Patricia Ette whose turbulent tenure again signposted the intrigues and politicking that is common in global politics but which gets a deeper gender debate in the Nigerian environment.

Egbemode as a woman, a journalist and a two-time close participant in the political field and with a global journalistic experience about politics and gender parity qualified to talk on the ways Nigerian women can actively take their place politically. To her, “there is more to politics and politicking than competence, you cant as a woman assume that because you have degrees or have worked for international organisations or reached the peak of your career or succeeded as a woman in a ‘man’s world that the political red carpet must be rolled out for you”. Playing an effectual part in politics is like being a CEO of four companies or running multiple organisations. Ability to multitask is key.

Being a member of a political party for instance requires a lot of interactive engagements, you must have to be ready to win the acceptance of the various interest groups that make the parties or communities. If we even take a trip to America or Europe, we can see that a Nancy Pelosi and some other European Prime Ministers or even an Angela Merkel as German Chancellor have had to endure a lot to make it to the top of the political careers.


Nigerian women need to be ready to work for interminable hours, attend impromptu or nocturnal meetings, have thick skin to absorb shocks of varied weights, we need to have money to fund politics, you need, in our peculiar political space be able to appeal to the people you intend to serve. Politics needs money and women must begin to galvanise to fund their ambitions to avoid falling victim of the perennial god-fatherism in Nigerian politics to avoid dancing to the tunes they might and usually play. Women need the financial independence to perform well if they win.

Nigerian women again must be willing to start where the men started, you notice that most of the men have a political history from ward to the highest levels. Women must be ready to start from the starting blocks, start from your community, your local governments, to constituencies and rise to the highest. According to Funke, “You can’t roll into the arena and want to be president just because you graduated from Harvard or Oxford or because you were successful professionally”.

Nigerian women have the education, the competence and ability to be president, but political processes must be followed diligently and steadily. We must work together as a team, build bridges, make contacts and be united in the pursuit of political inclusiveness. Women must be ready to diligently and as a team, like the men, climb the political stairs from the Councillor level to the Presidency. Women must come together as a team as they say in our local languages, a broom stick cannot sweep as clean as a bunch. Women should not trivialize political inclusiveness or come to the arena with a flawed sense of entitlement or arrogance or victimhood. We must work together because we have the power and the number.


Moji Danisa, the famous Nigerian Queen of entertainment journalism who has been an active observer of the Nigerian political scene believes that lack of financial empowerment affects the women and the men who have the financial power sponsor fellow men even when women in the parties prove to be more competent and ready. That cling of their patriarchal instincts is a huge factor. She questioned how the political leaders for often instance put the nomination forms up for millions of naira. Most women even when they have managed to be active politically do not generally amass wealth through political processes and horse-trading like the men.

Women are not generally known to be as profligate as most men in politics. Infact most women are disliked in the public service for being very prudent and not arm-twisting contractors for kickbacks so most times they do not have extra monies to throw around during campaigns. She equally believes that unlike the men, most women do not believe in supporting others. In her view, some women are often more of a stumbling block to the political success of fellow women either due to the sociological conditioning that leadership lies with the male figures or just out of pure jealousy and ignorance.

So even women who have the financial capacity are not mentoring the less financially able but competent women. Women should learn from the men who support each other to succeed. Preaching sisterhood without the belief in the ability of fellow women and support of such women will continue to tilt the political scale against women. Some women equally assume that leadership should stay with men because men are more generous to women. Erroneous as this sounds, the analogy might be coming from a subconscious socialisation which is equally manifesting in the use of the social media to attack fellow women in most cases based on wrong premises and victimization of victims.


Sisterhood must have a follow up Moji insists. Women must focus on what really matters, men are together and protect each other. Women must stop fighting each other over inanities like male attention, money, power, women must learn to carry each other along. The Pull-her-down rhetoric especially in a powerful medium like the social media by women is digging in and doing a lot of damage and injustice to the women and invariably affects their seats at the table of politics. Women have the number and must collaborate to push each other up the political space because invariably bad policies and execution by the men affect more women and the children who these days have almost equal stakes in the homes given the global financial challenges.

Women must be more self-loving instead of playing to the gallery and looking for male validation. Moji believes also that the few women that have been in politics seem to have done well given that in most case politics being a game of numbers see the odds against their attempt to make gender sensitive laws. If more women are in state and federal parliaments for instance, laws would be made for the benefit of all and not what obtains now where the men kill bills that are to the benefit of the girl child and women. Rwanda today has a global highest of women in parliament at 61%. Liberian women came together after the war to make sure Madam Johnson Sirleaf became the first female president in Africa through deliberate sisterhood acts. Nigerian women must work together and seek to uplift each other and gain from their voting demographics that is highest in the country.

Hon. Chris Azubogu an engineer who represents Nnewi North/South/Ekwusigo Fedreal Constituency in Anambra state believes that his state has really never been about male/female political argument as his state alone has the highest number of female Senators in the National Assembly. Senators Uche Ekwunife and Stella Oduah and the fact that two other women, Chinwe Nwebiri and Rita Maduagwu both served as Speakers of the state assembly. The first female governor in the country, Virginia Etiaba is from Anambra too he asserts.


He feels that Nigerian women have been well represented in all arms of government given the history of their headship of the different judiciary arms. Justice Aloma Mukhtar as the former chief justice and several Court of Appeal Presidents that have been women at the national level shows that women are doing well. Hon. Azubogu feels that the fact that politics is about elective and appointive positions of leadership shows that Nigerian women are not doing badly given the likes of the present Finance/Budget and Planning Minister, Alhaja Zainab, Amina Mohammed, first Speaker of the House of Reps, RT. Hon. Patricia Ette, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala etc.

While he believes there is still room for improvement he is of the view that the Nigerian political environment must begin to prioritize merit and competence for progress and there must be more advocacy for the need to jettison certain discriminatory ideas against the empowerment of women educationally because when a woman is empowered it cascades down the society for better progress and development. To him, if we seek the best surgeon for a needed surgery, we must empower everyone to be the best through education for a better society. To him, as a representative of his people, he is on a campaign to enlighten them towards better gender inclusivity, away from the old retrogressive social conditioning. In a twenty first century world, ideas and education rule and those are not gender sensitive. Merit must rule the Nigerian political space if we must progress as a nation he said.

