
I want to avenge my death but my killer has tied me somewhere – 18-year-old student killed by barber



A traditional priestess claims to have seen the ghost of an 18-year-old female student of the Nsutam Senior High Technical School in the Fanteakwa South District of the Eastern Region who was allegedly murdered by her fiancee.

The priestess reportedly told the bereaved family that the young lady’s ghost told her she wanted to avenge her death but couldn’t because her alleged killer had tied her up.

Agya Dan, reporting from the scene, said the bereaved family is divided on the issue.


He stated that in order for the rites to be performed, all of the deceased’s relatives must agree, which they had yet to do.

He noted that a search conducted by the Police also turned up a padlock with a red cloth tied to it, which residents say confirms the issue raised by the priestess.

The police a few weeks ago launched a full-scale investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of an 18-year-old female student of the Nsutam Senior High Technical School in the Eastern Region’s Fanteakwa South District last Thursday.


Michael Osei, a barber, allegedly stabbed to death Abigail Asare, a second-year General Arts student.

On Thursday, June 1, 2023, Abigail’s lifeless body was discovered at Osei’s barber shop in Nsutam.

Osei is said to be Abigail’s boyfriend, and she allegedly paid him a visit at the shop.

