
Kolawole: I will restore Ekiti’s lost glory in education



Governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Bisi Kolawole has said his administration will restore the lost glory of education if elected governor.

Kolawole vowed to return the state to an era where it was reference point in the comity of states, locally and globally in scholarship through implementation of positive programmes and policies.

The governorship candidate, who spoke in Ado-Ekiti during a meeting with retired secondary school teachers, said his administration will introduce reforms and international best practices.


He lamented that the fortunes of education in the state had nosedived under the watch of the All Progressive Congress (APC) led government, but promised a turnaround when he becomes governor on October 16, 2022.

Kolawole also promised that Ekiti will return to the top position in education it was during the PDP government of Ayodele Fayose.

He said: “It is worrisome that Ekiti State that came first in National Examination Council Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination in 2016 and 2017 came 9th in 2020.


“Even the state’s performance in West Africa School Certificate Examination has not improved from the 11th position that it moved to in 2016 from the 34th position that it was in 2014. Teachers will be adequately motivated with their welfare prioritised as it was during the government of our leader, Ayodele Fayose.”

