
Mambilla crisis: Gov. Ishaku disburses N310m to victims



Gov. Darius Ishaku of Taraba on Wednesday disbursed N310 million to victims of the June 2017 and March 2018 Mambilla crises.

Ishaku, who personally issued cheque to the victims at a ceremony in the border town of Gembu, explained that a thorough investigation into the crises revealed that 264 people were killed during the two crises and not the over 1,000 as speculated.

The governor thanked God for the return of peace to the Mambilla Plateau “after the two unfortunate incidents.”


He urged the people to continue to eschew violence and live in peace with one another for rapid development,
stressing that “I thank God that peace has returned to the Mambilla Plateau, but my heart still bleeds for
those who lost their lives in the crisis.

“I urge all of you to continue to live in peace to give room for uninterrupted development.”

Mr Abel Diah, the Speaker of Taraba House of Assembly, commended the people for deciding to forgive
one another and live in peace.


Diah said that at the moment, refugees from Cameroon had flooded the area due to the return of peace.

The speaker added that Cameroonian refugees were always welcome but they should endeavour to abide
by the laws of the land.

Dr Shehu Baju, the Chief of Mambilla, said that the creation of six new chiefdoms on the Plateau by Gov.
Ishaku had greatly helped in ensuring quick return of peace.


Baju, who noted that Mambilla Plateau had become a model for peace, commended the the state government
for standing by the people during their trying moments.

Alhaji Kabiru Sagiri, one of the victims who got a cheque of N850,000 commended Ishaku for taking a step
to alleviate their sufferings.

Ishaku inaugurated an assessment committee in April 2018 to visit affected communities and produce a report to be used for the assistance.

