
2023: Cracks in the SDD fortress expands.



Early decamping despite months to general elections

By Alagoa Douglas, Political Scientist, Yenagoa

A few months ago, SDD by virtue of his position as Governor and leader of the party in the state, had to carry out his first major political assignment which is to select political office holders for the next season.

This assignment is akin to a leadership competence test that reveals experience level, understanding of the political dynamics as well as an exposition of the intent of a political leader. Sadly, SDD has performed poorly especially with the turnout of events after the party primaries.


Political alignment and realignment is a common feature in the scheme of things regardless of whether these actions are selfishly motivated or not. Interests, aspirations and ambition remains legitimate in politics.

Having established this, it is however pertinent to mention at this point that the SDD administration has through it’s failure to manage the process, extremely expanded the cracks that previous administrations managed, and attempted to close.

The rate at which PDP faithfuls in Bayelsa State are decamping to other parties in order to allow their ambitions gain expression leaves a very bitter taste.


Could it be that the PDP under SDD is no longer that umbrella that accommodates people’s aspirations, dreams, interests and ambitions but one that is rather hostile?

Could it be that within the SDD led umbrella party are disguised broom elements that render PDP faithfuls uncomfortable and unwelcome?

Is SDD carrying ‘the umbrella’ by day and clandestinely ‘a broom’ person?


Is the earlier perceived political discrimination against the Restoration folk by the Prosperity gang, which was hurriedly dismissed by the SDD media, now metamorphosing into the caterpillar that was always suspected?

What existed in the past was political negotiation and commitment such that the interest of actors were protected even if gratification had to be delayed but how come in the SDD era, there is an obvious distrust and disbelief in the capacity of the SDD team to guarantee the protection of interests such that politicians now find favourable the alternative of switching over at will to other parties to pursue their ambitions?

The shift of Mr. Suoyo, a former PDP member from SDD’s LGA to APGA for example, could have been overlooked but the very recent move by Hon. Isaiah, the Brass local council boss to SDP as well as Barr. Dumbo, the Chief of Staff to the Deputy governor, now former commissioner for information Daniel Iworiso-Markson and many others preparing to follow suite as revealed by the grape vine, are all signs of chaos.


SDD is obviously loosing grip of the party in the state. More people, ‘ PDP strong’ hands are freezing out through the ever expanding cracks and the SDD team seem to be content with it.

The signs are not good for SDD as he may go down as the most inexperienced politician ever to assume the office of governor of Bayelsa State.

The recent news from Ekiti state describing SDD as unqualified to lead the PDP campaign in the state further establishes this perception. If those in other states perceive him as lacking in political capacity, how then do Bayelsans especially those closer to him perceive him.


SDD has built his confidence not on the strength of executed projects nor the advancement of political stability in the state but on the fact that civil servants in the state are not owed salaries, therefore are not complaining while pentioners are receiving their pensions and gratuities. Other administrations did more with lesser funds and still maintained a fruitful political tree.

The cracks are expanding and just as they are wide enough for aggrieved party faithfuls to freeze out, they are equally wide enough for the enemies to stroll in and pollute the system.

The drums of war are sounding too early and I hope SDD has not been deceived to believe that he is a General?

