
2023: Divisive Politics Not An Easy Road To Victory – Atiku Tells APC 2023



2023 :Atiku Attacks APC, Says No Victory If…

Mohammed Oluwatimileyin Taoheed reports,

Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, the presidential flag-bearer of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has expressed that divisive and exclusionist politics is not a flexible path to victory.


Mr. Paul Ibe, a media assistant to Atiku, who published the statement on Sunday, has it that the presidential candidate of the opposition party reiterated that politics is meant to be a corrective mechanism.

Atiku accused that the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) has brought Nigeria to an inexcusable low in the past seven years of being in power while urging Nigerians not to permit primordial sentiments to cover the politics in the forthcoming 2023 general elections.

The former vice president claimed that the PDP and its members are unifiers and bridge-builders, adding that the opposition party symbolizes the posterity of a peaceful and prosperous Nigeria.


Part of the statement reads; “In such a time when our country is going through a very difficult time, it is important that we do not allow any kind of primordial sentiment to becloud our politics.

“Politics is meant to be a corrective mechanism. So, even when we are upset about the inexcusable low that the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) has brought us in the past seven years, we must ensure that we insulate our politics from the corrosive effect of the ruling party’s failures. A society cannot progress if its politics is convoluted.

“Dear friend and compatriot, the journey that we have signed on to undertake together are not one that we can accomplish by threading the inglorious path of exclusionist politics. This journey, our campaign, is a rescue mission for our great country and it is a mission that must involve all Nigerians.


“So, while our opponents might think that there is an easy road to victory in divisive politics, we must get the message across to them that Nigeria has seen the worst shade of exclusionist politics and the road ahead is the path of inclusive and unifying politics. That is what we stand for.

“We are the Unifiers and the Bridge-builders and we represent the future of a peaceful and prosperous Nigeria.”

