
Confused Adamu Garba dumps YPP, returns to APC over ‘Muslim-Muslim’ Ticket



By Adeleye Kunle

Popular Businessman and Politician, Adamu Garba has returned back to the All Progressives Congress, APC.

According to TrackNews, Garba who made headlines some weeks ago after he defected to the Young Progressives party, YPP, announced on Tuesday, July 12, 2022, that he has ‘re-decamped’ to the ruling party.

He noted that he would do more harm to Nigeria if he does not support the combination of a great strategist and a great tactician on a single ticket.


The former presidential aspirant expressed his support for the presidential ticket of Bola Tinubu and former Governor of Borno State, Kashim Shettima in 2023.

He wrote on Twitter; “Yes, I am fully back to APC. I could do more harm to my country, Nigeria if I did not support a combination of a great strategist and a great tactician on a single ticket.”

“It is BAT/Hashim that should take over all polling units in Nigeria come 2023.”


He also defended the ‘Muslim-Muslim’ Ticket of Bola Ahmed Tinubu stating; “It’s not all together about not having a competent Christians in the north, there are, many of them indeed.”

“But how many of those competent ones are able to build any political capital beyond their immediate environment? Name? Politics is very practical, it’s not about whims.”

He further stated that it was clear to him that APC has chosen money over competency by pegging its presidential forms at N100million Naira.

