
Kaduna-Train Attack: “APC Is Numb” – PDP Slams Buhari



Mohammed Oluwatimileyin Taoheed reports,

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has berated the Muhammadu Buhari-led government over the ungodly action of terrorists who subjected the kidnapped victims of the Abuja-Kaduna train attack to severe beating as seen in a viral video.

The opposition PDP reacted that the maltreatment of the victims is a testimony that the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) has failed in every aspect.


Track News Nigeria understands that the PDP Public Relations Officer, Debo Ologunagba, made this known in a press conference on Monday in Abuja.

Recall our earlier report of a video coverage which shows the bandits who are flogging the victims of the Kaduna-Abuja train attack as circulated rounds online too.

As seen in the video, the terrorists are seen flogging some of the victims abducted on the Kaduna-bound train on March 28, 2022 as reported by us.


The unknown gunmen in the video also boasted that they would destroy the country, kill the remaining passengers in their custody and sell out the others.

Also, the terrorists also threatened to kidnap and kill President Muhammadu Buhari and Governor Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna State.

Ologunagba noted that the PDP is deeply saddened, alarmed and distressed by the video which establishes that the victims have been in the terrorists’ den for at least 120 days.


According to him: “It is indeed heartbreaking to watch fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, helpless children; compatriots and citizens of Nigeria in captivity and being tortured, brutalized, humiliated and crying in pain, agony and anguish just because we have the misfortune of being under the All Progressives Congress (APC) government that has proven to be derelict, irresponsible, unconcerned and completely numb to the pains and sufferings of our citizens.

“The emotional toll of this sad incident on the victims, their families and the entire nation cannot be quantified, particularly on the younger generation who witnessed the humiliation of their parents and breadwinners in such gruesome circumstances.

“This will certainly have a generational consequence on the emotional and psychological makeup of our young persons with the possibility of losing faith in our nation and the capacity for empathy.


“Indeed, as a Party, our hearts bleed! The APC government has irretrievably failed our nation. Under the APC, Nigeria is fast sliding into a Hobbesian State where the Rule of Law, Order and leadership are absent and where a cruel, inhumane and insensitive bunch of human beings in government have abandoned our citizens to killers, terrorists and bandits.

“This disquieting video is a heart-rending testament of the reported complicity and failure of the APC government to take decisive actions to rescue the victims since the gruesome train attack in which very promising Nigerians including a 29 years old female medical doctor were brutally killed and others were taken captive by terrorists since then.”

Ologunagba added that the APC government has failed to stop the unceasing mass killing by terrorists in different parts of the nation, saying that the government has ceded sovereignty over a large portion of the country to terrorists.


“It is a painful commentary on the continuing mass killing by terrorists in various parts of our country as well as a confirmation of the agony of hundreds of our citizens including students, who are being tortured and executed in countless terrorists’ dens enabled by the APC government.

“Nigerians can recall how the PDP on various occasions alerted that the APC government has ceded sovereignty over a large portion of our country to terrorists, many of whom were imported into our country by the APC.

“From the video, in a brazen manner, terrorists as non-state actors boldly showed their faces, boasting, admitting and confirming their participation in the Kuje Prison break, some of whom were former prison inmates who were either jailed or awaiting trial for their previous terrorism act against our country.


“Nigerians can equally recall the confession by the Governor of Kaduna State, Mallam Nasir el-Rufai that the APC government knows the plans and whereabouts of the terrorists but failed to act.

“Between 2020 and 2022 about 18,000 Nigerians have been killed by terrorists who continue to be emboldened by the failures and obvious complicity of the APC and to which the PDP had always drawn attention.

“This is not politics; this is about humanity and leadership, which leadership sadly and unfortunately is missing in our country at this time.”

