
Obaseki/Shaibu rift: Edo Dep Gov gets new office outside govt house



Edo State Governor Godwin Obaseki has formally presented a letter relocating Deputy Governor Philip Shaibu from his current government house office to a new office located outside the government house premises.

TrackNews Media reports that the move comes after Shaibu fell out with his principal, Governor Obaseki, in recent months.

In a video that went viral on Monday, Shaibu was seen standing stranded by the entrance to his former office, which was under lock. Shaibu was heard telling the person on the other end of the phone that he was aware that the civil servants in his office were officially asked to relocate to the new office at No 7, Dennis Osadebey Avenue, but he never got any such directive.


However, a directive to that effect has now been received by the deputy governor.

The Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Mr Osarodion Ogie, in a two-paragraph memo addressed to the deputy governor, stated that Governor Obaseki had directed that the deputy governor should relocate to the new office address.

The letter, dated September 15, 2023, was received by a Permanent Secretary in the deputy governor’s office and acknowledged on Monday, September 18, 2023.


The memo, with the heading: “Relocation of Office Accommodation“, reads:

I write to inform you that His Excellency, the Governor, has approved the relocation of your office accommodation to No 7, Dennis Osadebey Avenue, G.R.A., Benin City.

“You are therefore requested to ensure your compliance in line with Mr Governor’s approval, please.”

The memo from the Secretary to the State Government

Recall that Shaibu had in August filed a lawsuit in an Abuja Federal High Court, seeking court protection against an alleged attempt by the governor to orchestrate his impeachment through the Edo State House of Assembly and other means.

In response to the lawsuit, the governor swiftly dissolved the deputy governor’s media team, relocating his office away from the main Government House, and, on multiple occasions, security personnel physically prevented Shaibu from attending public events where the governor was present. Also, about three Permanent Secretaries, who were believed to be nominees of the deputy governor, either saw their ministries disbanded or were asked to retire from their positions.

