
Taraba Politics: Mama Taraba and the new political gear



Senator Aisha Jumail Alhassan, the immediate past minister of women affairs and social development who just resigned her position, has engaged a new political gear in the United Democratic Party (UDP) for a drive to the Taraba state government house.

The move is in pursuance for her governorship ambition come 2019 for Taraba state.

Senator Aisha who has been the leader of the opposition all progressive Congress APC in Taraba, began her journey of becoming governor in 2015 where she was the party’s flag bearer though, she lost to governor Darius Ishaku and was later appointed minister.

As it is said and quoted that “a journey of ten thousand miles, begins with a step”. Mama Taraba believed that her ministerial appointment under president Buhari was a bridge for her to the government house Taraba, but little did she know that in political dispensation, anything can happen to surprise the layman.


Politics continue, just as she also continue with her drive to the government house under the platform of the APC, until she was screened out of the race by comr. Adams Oshiomole led APC screening committee for governorship aspirants which in a press conference, Oshiomole said Aisha has not been loyal to the party

Senator Aisha had earlier this year while in an interview with BBC Hausa, declared she will support Atiku in the event he is contesting for president. The interview which generated a lot of controversy and tension in the presidency and beyond, painted her as unloyal party woman.

You will recall that after her support declaration for Atiku against President Buhari, the former minister has been having leadership crisis with members of the party which at a point divided the party into three different groups in the state.


Her push to the gutter by comr. Oshiomole, senator Aiaha is seems to lose her gear four on the highway to the government house Taraba, now she has engaged a new gear in the United Democratic party (UDP) to continue her journey.

It is now the question of whether a highway runner would make it in the 100 miter running competition.

United Democratic Party (UDP), is believed to be weak in the state but going by the history of Senator Aisha’s politics, many schools of thought believe she will sell the party in the state, as she is known for pulling crowd.


Can she in this party, be able to challenge the incumbent governor Darius Ishaku of the peoples democratic party PDP and the former Deputy governor and acting governor. Alh. Sani Abubakar Danladi of the all progressive Congress?

February 2019 shall tell.

