
“Why Mbaitoli LGA Will Not Vote Sen. Hope in the 2023 Imo State Guber Election”



By : Dr C.A. Henry
Owerri, Imo State.
Activist, Social media Influencer,
Lecturer and Tv presenter.
2nd, October 2023

The 2023 Imo State Governorship Election is fast approaching, and the residents of Mbaitoli Local Government Area (LGA) have valid reasons for not voting for Senator Hope Uzodinma and the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Imo State Governorship Election presented an ideal opportunity for the residents of Mbaitoli Local Government Area (LGA) to express their dissatisfaction with the current administration. Insecurity in Imo State, particularly in the Orlu Zone, has had a direct negative impact on Mbaitoli LGA, given its proximity to the affected area. The influx of people from the Orlu Zone has caused overpopulation, increased the cost of living, and made access to social amenities difficult for the residents.


Additionally, despite having four different commissioners, Mbaitoli LGA has not benefited from Senator Hope Uzodinma’s shared prosperity administration, particularly in terms of road infrastructure, access to markets and farmland, and social amenities. These issues, along with the lack of empowerment and ineffective security measures, have led the residents to reject Senator Hope Uzodinma and the APC party.

1. Insecurity and its Impact on Mbaitoli LGA:
Imo State, particularly the Orlu Zone, has been plagued by insecurity in recent times. The spillover effect of this insecurity has directly impacted Mbaitoli LGA due to its proximity to the affected area. The influx of people seeking safety and stability has resulted in overpopulation, causing a strain on resources and services within the LGA. The increased population has led to inflation in housing and commodities, making the cost of living unaffordable for many residents. Additionally, the inflow of people has put a strain on access to social amenities, making it difficult for the residents to enjoy basic facilities.

2. Lack of Development and Infrastructure:
Despite having four different commissioners and being the largest local government with the highest number of registered voters, Mbaitoli LGA has not witnessed any notable government development projects. This lack of attention and investment from the government has left the local community in a state of disarray, with no visible progress or changes that directly improve the lives of the residents in Senator Hope Uzodinma’s administration, Mbaitoli LGA has not witnessed any significant development or improvement in infrastructure. The road network within the LGA is in poor condition, making transportation challenging for residents and hindering economic activities. The lack of access roads to farmland and markets directly affects the farming community’s productivity and leads to food insecurity and economic instability.


3. Revenue Generation without Benefits:
Mbaitoli LGA is a hub for markets and transportation services, generating substantial revenue for the Imo State government. However, the local inhabitants do not witness any proper allocation of these funds. The revenue generated from the markets, transport system, and natural resources of the area are not reinvested in improving the community. This lack of equitable distribution of resources has led to growing frustration and disillusionment among the residents. Furthermore, the revenue generated from markets and transportation in Mbaitoli LGA has not been reinvested to improve the community, depriving residents of essential services, including electricity and healthcare.

4. Empty Promises of Empowerment:
Senator Hope Uzodinma’s administration has made promises of empowerment through programs like “Skill Up Imo.” However, many beneficiaries of these programs have found that they were not delivered as promised, with some recipients even reporting that the laptops received were faulty. The government’s soft grants have resulted in the blocking of citizens’ accounts by microfinance banks, adding financial burdens to the residents. Additionally, the promised rabbit training program has vanished without any trace. These broken promises and lack of concrete support have left the residents of Mbaitoli LGA feeling deceived and disregarded by the current administration.

5. Ineffective Security Measures:
Despite the establishment of the security outfit Ebube Agu by Senator Hope Uzodinma’s government, insecurity remains prevalent in Imo State. Reports have emerged of the outfit being responsible for the killing of youths, adding to the already dire security situation. The lack of a solution to the security challenges faced by the residents and the use of security outfits to instigate violence have created further distrust and disillusionment among the people of Mbaitoli LGA.


6..Undermining of Local Governance:
The failure to conduct Local Government Area (LGA) elections, which are crucial in bringing government closer to the people, has left the residents of Mbaitoli LGA underrepresented and unacknowledged. The lack of functioning traditional institutions and the government’s interference in autonomous communities have further eroded the trust and confidence of the residents. These actions demonstrate a disregard for the voice and autonomy of the people.
Given the ongoing challenges of insecurity, lack of development and infrastructure, broken promises of empowerment, ineffective security measures, and the undermining of local governance, it is evident why the residents of Mbaitoli LGA will not vote for Senator Hope Uzodinma and the APC in the November 11th, 2023 Imo State Governorship Election. The neglect and unfulfilled promises by the current administration have left the people of Mbaitoli LGA seeking alternative candidates and parties that prioritize their needs and address the prevalent issues. The residents deserve a government that will prioritize their safety, development, and overall well-being

