Breaking News

Just-in Ex-Bayelsa Commissioner dumps PDP for SDP



By Adeleye Kunle

A former Commissioner for Information and Orientation in Bayelsa State, Daniel Iworiso-Markson, has resigned his membership of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

Iworiso-Markson in a letter dated July 7 to the PDP chairman of Ward 11 in Ogbia Local Government Area, said he decided to quit the party because of unfair treatment.

Iworiso-Markson resignation came just as scores of stalwarts of the PDP in the state are said to have perfected plans to dump the party.


It was reliably learnt that the stalwarts would in the coming weeks leave the PDP in droves to pursue their aspirations in other parties.

Iworiso-Markson also said his decision was borne out of his desire to pursue his aspiration to offer quality representation to people of Ogbia Federal Constituency.

According to him, several weeks after the primaries which he took part in, there have not been any form of overtures by the leaders of the party, knowing fully well how aggrieved some of the aspirants were due to the process and outcome of the exercise.


He lamented that the shabby treatment he got was accompanied by series of blackmail to discredit him all in a bid to deny him the PDP ticket to contest the 2023 general election.

He said the shameless propaganda that he had no electoral value was the height of the gross political humiliation he suffered in the run up to the PDP primaries, adding that he had decided to go ahead to contest the main election and allow the people of Ogbia to decide his fate and electoral worth.

The letter reads in part: “This signifies my decision to officially quit the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). As it is customary, I am writing to inform you and also state the reasons behind my action which was well thought out.


“Recall that on May 23, 2022 I contested for the ticket of the PDP for Ogbia Federal Constituency. The process and outcome of the election even though not satisfactory, was swept under the carpet. Ordinarily, it was expected that the PDP leadership will reach out and make certain overtures to assuage the feelings of people like me but more than a month after, nothing has been done.

“Rather, the party has continued as if all is well even when it is glaring that it is not. I consider this as an act of disregard and disdain especially against the likes of me that has contributed so much to the success of the party since 2012. My record of service and loyalty while in government to both the party and the state cannot be denied and even when things went bad I remained not minding the threats”.

The former Commissioner stated that even after the primaries, he kept receiving calls and messages from people of his constituency urging him to pursue his ambition using another platform because of their conviction of what he has to offer.


Iworiso-Markson added that he decided to listen to the compelling voices by joining the Social Democratic Party (SDP) to push for the realisation of his ambition to represent the people of Ogbia at the Green Chambers of the National Assembly.

He stated: “Although, I have moved on after the primaries despite how unfair the party treated me, yet I was inundated with calls and messages on the need to be on the ballot for the 2023 election.

“Those who have reached out to me gave very valid reasons that bothers on quality representation which they believe I can offer. Their argument was robust, rich, very compelling and I accepted. I have therefore decided to pursue my ambition to go to the House of Representatives on the platform of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in order to actualise my dream of creating a new Ogbia through sound legislation.


“I am also convinced that at this moment the SDP will treat me with respect, accord me with all the regard that a loyal party man deserves and not look the other way when it matters most”.

Iworiso-Markson who noted that his decision would come to many as a huge surprise, “particularly to my leaders including former Governor, Senator Henry Seriake Dickson. I do sincerely apologize. I hope they see things from my perspective and that of Ogbia people who are yearning for real development.”

He further added that with the ongoing litigation concerning the ticket of the party for Ogbia Federal Constituency, there was every reason to believe that the PDP might run into trouble waters if the court decides to grant the prayers of the petitioner who is seeking a nullification of the entire process.


