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EFCC Takes Orders From Highest Bidder – Oba Of Benin



Oba Ewuare II, the Oba of Benin, has leveled serious accusations against the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), claiming the agency takes instructions from the highest bidders when handling petitions from his palace.

The monarch made these allegations on Monday during a meeting with Effa Okim, the newly appointed zonal director of EFCC in Benin. Oba Ewuare II expressed his dissatisfaction with how previous administrations at the EFCC’s Benin office had managed a fraud case involving former palace officials.

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According to the Oba, despite overwhelming evidence against these individuals, they were set free by the EFCC, leading him to believe that the anti-graft agency mishandled the case. He stated that the incident has made it difficult for the palace to support the agency’s activities.

“No matter how you try to support EFCC from the palace, when it is time to assist them, they listen to other parties,” the Oba said. “What I have been told is that they take instructions from the highest bidder.”

The monarch specifically criticized an EFCC operative, accusing her of bias and suggesting that her actions were influenced by financial incentives. “If I was asked to comment on her performance, I would score her zero. I do not know if she was doing an EFCC job or just dancing to the tunes of people who were giving her money.”


When contacted by TheCable for a response, Dele Oyewale, EFCC’s head of media and publicity, indicated that he would provide a comment later. However, no further statement was available at the time of this report.

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