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Aisha Buhari Leads Campaign For Women Participation In Maritime



TRACKING >>The wife of the President, Mrs. Aisha Buhari, would be leading other dignitaries and stakeholders in the maritime community to campaign and encourage more female participation in seafaring and maritime trade at the event scheduled for Tuesday in Lagos.

This was as director-general of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Dr. Dakuku Peterside, yesterday stated that women are central to the accomplishments and efficiency of most successful world economies.

According to a press statement from NIMASA, Dakuku spoke at a sensitisation workshop for female students organised preparatory to this year’s Day of the Seafarer, an international event coming up on June 25 yesterday, he urged the girl child to develop career interest in the maritime sector.


Dakuku said NIMASA would intensify efforts to encourage ladies, particularly the girl child, to take advantage of the vast opportunities in the maritime industry.

He was represented at the event by the executive director, Maritime Labour and Cabotage Services, Mr. Gambo Ahmed. He emphasised the need to put proper structures in place in order to have a strong maritime sector, and a robust economy. He noted that the sensitisation of the girl child on career in maritime was an intervention programme of the agency, stressing that “On Board with Gender Equality,” which is the theme for the 2019 Day of the Seafarer, coincides with the disposition of NIMASA as a gender-sensitive organisation.

Dakuku observed that the problem of unemployment in the country could be tackled through the development of the maritime sector and NIMASA would work with relevant institutions and instruments of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) to make the industry attractive, especially for women.

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