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American rapper puts out suicidal post, fans react



TRACKING __An American rapper, Azealia Banks, puts out a post that was suicidal, Fans have taken to social media to show her support amid her recent posts which suggested that she could be contemplating suicide.

On Saturday, Banks left many of her followers worried when she took to her Instagram stories to share what appeared to be her resolve to commit suicide, Daily Times gathered.

READ ALSO: How 875 people committed suicide during lockdown


“Yea, I think I’m done here. This pandemic, extreme lack of social interaction, no intimacy, combined with constant public ridicule is making life harder than its worth.

I think I will end my tenure here on earth soon,” she had written.

“I’m not begging for attention or asking for sympathy/empathy. I’m just ready to go. Peacefully of course.


I will document my last times and release a film for you all to finally understand me, from my perspective… My soul is tired. I’m ready to go.”

In a follow-up post on Monday, Banks said she feels better now than before.


“I am fine, better than I was before,” she wrote in a post accompanied by a picture of herself smiling.

She also called out those she said never cared she existed before but are now showing concerns amid her situation.

“Don’t express concern for me when I’m down. You can do that when I’m up there. Support me when I’m feeling good and got smile on my face.


READ ALSO: How 875 people committed suicide during lockdown

Don’t support me when I’m crying or down. Do that when I’m showing my creativity and releasing new music…” she said.

Since the 29-year-old music star’s post, several fans have reached out to her while also calling on relevant authorities to ensure her safety.

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