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Ex-accountant testifies in EFCC’s forfeiture suit on Saraki’s property



TRACKING____A former Controller, Finance and Accounts, at the Kwara State Government House, Isiaka Kareem, Wednesday testified in a suit filed by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) before Justice Mohammed Liman of a Federal High Court in Lagos seeking to forfeit two Lagos property of a former Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki, to the Federal Government.

In his testimony, the witness told the judge that monthly payments to one, Abdul Adama, an aide to Saraki, was provided for in the budget of Kwara State while the former governor was at the helm.
While being cross-examined by Saraki’s lawyer, Kehinde Ogunwumiju (SAN), the witness said as an accountant, he was familiar with the state budget and that he knew there were provisions for ‘security and contingency’, the headings under which the monthly payments were made to Adama.
He added that there was no time he made any complaint to anyone about the monthly payments he made to Adama.
The witness, who said he was in the civil service for more than 30 years, said while working in Government House, he neither had any personal relationship with Saraki nor knew anything about his property and the source of funding them.
When he was questioned by Ogunwumiju on the statement he made to the EFCC, the witness clarified that it was not every month that he paid N100 million to Adama.
On this issue, he said: “The allocation to Government House was not static. It was less than N100 million when we started and it kept increasing overtime. That was why I said it was not N100 million every month.”
The witness had earlier in his examination-in-chief by the EFCC’s lawyer, Emeka Omewa, told the court that Abdul Adama was introduced to him by Saraki as his personal assistant. He said the former governor also instructed him to pay funds captured under ‘security and contingency’ to Adama.

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