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Ikpeazu promises improved security in Abia crisis community



TRACKING>>The governor of Abia State, Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu has assured the people of troubled Isu Community in Arochukwu Local Government of the State of adequate security in their domain.

This is even as he assured that his administration would not leave any part of the state behind in the developmental agenda of his administration.

The Governor stated this when he received in audience, a delegation of the Stakeholders of the Peoples Democratic Party from Arochukwu LGA at the Governor’s Lodge in Aba, the commercial nerve of the state.

The Governor while sympathizing with the Isu community over the recent crisis that broke between their Biase Cross River community told the delegation that his administration has taken proactive steps to curb the incessant border clashes involving the two communities.


According to the Governor, he has personally met with his Cross River State counterpart; Prof Ben Ayade on the issue adding that the State Executive Council has approved the immediate construction of a Police Station in Isu with accommodation facilities for the officers.

He also assured that an access road leading into the community will be constructed to ease movement by the people there.

He further assured that the State Ministry of Works will immediately assess the Okobo Arochukwu Road with a view to commencing work there.


On the issue of elevation of indigenes of Arochukwu in the State Public Service, the Governor assured that his administration will not leave any section of the State behind and that deserving public servants will always be elevated irrespective of where they come.

He also assured that sons and daughters of Arochukwu LGA will continue to get appointments in his administration.

He thanked the delegation for the visit and challenged them to support the growth of the party in their area.


Speaking earlier, leader of the delegation, Senator Mao Ohuabunwa told the Governor that they came to rub minds with him on issues affecting the party in the area.

They presented a written address which was delivered by a former Secretary to the Government of Abia State, Mazi Donatus Okorie.

The Chairman of the PDP in the LGA, Hon. Tony Nwankwo also spoke at the event.


Other members of the delegation included the Commissioner for Special Duties in charge of Joint Projects, Chief J J Okoro, PDP Zonal Women Leader for Abia North, Barrister Priscilla Umeham, Elder Ama Abraham, Prince Eric Aso Kalu, Prince Dan Kalu amongst others.

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