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Ikpeazu set to construct Ngwa, Ohanku, Obohia, Port Harcourt roads



Governor Okezie Ikpeazu of Abia State has announced that his administration is set to construct Ngwa, Ohanku, Obohia and Port Harcourt Roads.

The Governor, who made this known in a tweet via his Twitter account on Thursday, said he was overwhelmed that despite experiencing some challenges, the watershed management and road construction projects were finally underway and gaining momentum.

He also appealed to the people of Abia to support the vision of a cleaner and flood-free Aba.


“Despite the initial challenges, our watershed management and road construction projects are finally underway and gaining momentum. In some areas especially near Asa triangle, we had to excavate up to one and a half meters to remove unsuitable materials which were ignored in the past leading to perennial road failures

“My visit to the ongoing project at the Ndiegoro Area yesterday left me highly impressed at the rate the work is progressing. I am confident the contractors will deliver according to schedule and specification.

“Not only will Ngwa, Ohanku, Obohia and Port Harcourt Roads be reconstructed, we intend to finally end the issue of perennial flooding at Ndiegoro that has defied previous administrations in the state. As always, our objective is to deliver a better life for our people as I promised them when they graciously elected me their Governor.


“Because of the humongous nature of the project, it is imperative I urge our people in advance not to panic when they see the “monster” equipment being deployed for the underground drainage we are set to establish. I understand the equipment has never been used anywhere else in Nigeria except our locality. Whatever will help accelerate the work we are doing is welcome.

“On that note, we appeal to our people to support our vision of a cleaner and flood-free Aba by ending the era of indiscriminately disposing wastes into drains and burning tyres on our roads,” he said.

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