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Insecurity: CAN declares 23 August collective prayer day for Nigeria



TRACKING____Disturbed over the rising cases of insecurity in the country, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), has declared August 23, 2020, as a day to offer collective prayers, seeking God’s intervention in Nigeria.

CAN since the beginning of the year, has consistently called on churches in Nigeria to embark on a joint offering of special prayers within specific period of time and dates, to seek divine intervention on the insecurity challenges and the COVID-19 pandemic which has crippled activities since the beginning of the year.

The statement signed by the General Secretary CAN, Barr Daramola Joseph and made available to newsmen on Thursday in Abuja, urged churches to set aside at least 15 minutes to offer the special prayers.


The terse statement reads: “Please be informed that there will be a collective prayer session at least 15 minutes, for Nigeria on the 23rd August, 2020 to tell God in one accord, to have his way and do his will in Nigeria.

“This is borne out of the insecurities in Nigeria. All churches in Nigeria are to adhere to full compliance of this prayer.”
Recall that earlier in the week, the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), had urged all Catholics to undertake specific prayers for 40 days starting from August 22 to September 30, 2020, to seek God’s intervention in the killings of Nigerians.

The President CBCN and Archbishop of Benin City, Augustine Akubeze, had explained that the special 40 days prayers for divine intervention to be conducted after the daily Angelus.

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