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**Moses Took Case To God And Alaibe Invoked Psalm For


YENAGOA/ It was panoply. The arena, with a stage like that of a Pentecostal crusade, was colourfully designed. Attractive silk cloths and ribbons announced what was to take place that day. Women, men and social groups on beautifully branded T-shirts and face caps danced to scintillating native songs/music.


It was like the popular Odi Ogoriba Festival, but it wasn’t. Yet, like that of the festival, Odi, an enlightened and well organised community in Kolokuma/Opokuma Local Government Area of Bayelsa State and the entire Opokuma Clan in the area, did all that on January 25, to receive candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for the forthcoming elections.

Their enthusiasm confirmed that Odi and indeed, Kolokumo Clan, is one of the strongholds of the PDP in the state. It also reaffirmed their unflinching support for the PDP candidates.
Their joy knew no bounds, as Hon. Tonye Emmanuel Isenah, a homeboy and grassroots politician was presented to them. He was carried high on the soldier and taking round the Imgbela Primary School arena, Odi, in ogele, by the jubilant crowd.
The same was done for Hon. Douye Diri; Prof. Steve Sinikiem Azaiki and Hon. Wisdom Fafi who are equally adored by their teeming supporters because of their admirable qualities and stellar records of private and public services to the people.
The candidates were presented by chairman of the Bayelsa State Chapter of the Party, Barr Cleopas Moses in a pastoral manner, and amidst uncontrollable ovation from the crowd. He had been filled with the Holy Spirit since the campaign tour began at Opokuma Clan, January 24.
Like Moses in the Bible, Cleopas Moses, cried to God, to send His Angels to back PDP and its candidates in the elections.
Faithful that God has already sealed the party’s victory, Barr Cleopas whose prayers ended with thunderous amen from the audience, spoke in glowing terms about PDP and the candidates.
“The Peoples Democratic Party’s 16 years rule brought about dividends to the people of Kolga. Chief Ndutimi Alaibe, aka Principal of Politics, is here and has confirmed. Our party, PDP, provided electricity, scholarships, roads, name them”, Cleopas enumerated.

“Today, we have the All Progressives Congress (APC) ruling the country. What has the APC and our Bayelsans who are with APC at the National level brought to Bayelsa? He asked the crowd which shouted ” nothing, nothing”.
“They say there is hunger in Bayelsa State, what is the role of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture? Is it not the place of the Ministry of Agriculture where we even have our own son, to bring food to Bayelsa State” through the so-called agric programmes of the Federal Government? Cleopas asked rhetorically.
The state chairman of the PDP, further asked: “Can you vote for people who said we should not eat from our God-given resources? The excited supporters chorused ” No, No No!”
On the candidates, Barr Cleopas enlightened the people that legislative businesses at the National Assembly in Abuja, was not for apprentices who have not got even councillorship experience. He said it was for that reason that the PDP has presented experienced candidates to represent the people.
According to him, Hon. Douye Diri who has done well in House of Representatives, besides experiences from positions he has held in Bayelsa State, stands out as the best candidate to be voted into the Senate by the electorate in Bayelsa Central Senatorial District.
For, Yenagoa/Kolokuma/Opokuma Federal Constituency, Cleopas said, nobody from any other party is as qualified as Prof. Steve Sinikiem Azaiki, who is well educated and has a wealth of experience to represent the people effectively.
He said Hon. Tonye Emmanuel Isenah who has performed commendably in the State House of Assembly, also deserve to continue in the house, to do more for Kolokuma Constituency one and the state.
Hon. Wisdom Fafi has also shown his mettle in his duties in Government House, Yenagoa, Cleopas noted, and urged voters to vote him (Wisdom) to represent Opokuma Constituency two in the State House of Assembly.
Earlier, Chief Ndutimi Alaibe, had invoked Psalm 127 verse 1which states that a builder builds for nothing without God, expressing faith that PDP and the candidates have done their part hence God will make them victorious at the polls.
He stated that God will give them victory because PDP is ready to build society and improve the people’s standard of living again, when voted to power.
As a former Director General of the Niger Delta Development Commission NDDC), Chief Alaibe enumerated projects that PDP did in Kolga through the commission, to include roads, electricity, among others.
Alaibe added that PDP also gave appointments to people from Kolga, saying, he for instance, had more than one appointment from the party, and that more appointments and projects will get to the area when PDP regains power at the centre.
He called on the people to vote for Alhaji Atiku Abubakar as President on February 16, so that a PDP presidency would easily liaise with PDP legislators from Bayelsa in the National Assembly and in the State, to bring dividends of democracy to the people.
Chief Alaibe also enjoined the electorates to vote for Hon. Douye Diri who has served brilliantly in the Reps, as well as Prof. Azaiki who he said is most suitable for Kolga/Yelga’s Reps Seat, stressing that these dynamic men cannot be treated like small boys in the NASS. He said, instead, they will be high ranking lawmakers and must be listened to whenever they speak.
According to him, Kolokuma has not got a Senator, stating that it was only natural to vote for Hon. Diri who hails from Sampou in the area. In the same vein, Chief Alaibe’s advocacy is in line with that of the PDP’s leadership in the State, which has fairly given the Bayelsa Central Senatorial ticket to Kolokuma area, and wants the people of Kolga and Yenagoa which is going for the Reps to cooperate and vote for Diri and Azaiki respectively.
Chief Alaibe who is optimistic of victory for Hon. Isena, predicted that with the candidates record of performance, Kolokuma and entire Kolga, stand a chance of having the young chap elevated beyond his present position of Chief Whip in the State Legislative, hence should be voted for. He appealed to Opokuma Constituency 2 to also vote for Hon. Wisdom Fafi.
In his remarks, Director General of the Bayelsa Central Senatorial District Campaign Committee, Rt. Hon. Talford Ongolo, advised the people to vote for Alhaji Atiku Abubakar as president, stating that he (Atiku) is a friend to Bayelsa State and the Niger Delta.
He also called on Odi electorates to vote to for Hon. Diri, pointing out that Diri as a Rep has done projects for the community, for instance, solar street lights.
Rt. Hon. Ongolo, reechoed the competencies of Prof. Steve Azaiki as well as those of Hon. Wisdom Fafi and Hon. Tonye Isenah whom he said could be rewarded with a rank higher than that of Chief Whip of the House of Assembly.
At Sampou, hometown of Hon. Douye Diri, same day of the campaign tour, it was another moment of celebration, solidarity for PDP and its flag bearers as well as presentation of manifestos to the electorate.
Presenting the candidates to the people, state chairman of the PDP, Barr Cleopas Moses said the campaign team was there to be appreciated by Sampou Community and Kolokuma Clan at large, for giving them opportunity to have a House of Reps member (Diri), who has again being given senatorial ticket. Barr Cleopas said the people should appreciate by voting for their son Diri and all candidates of the PDP to get more development projects.
Earlier, Ex-chairman of the state chapter of the PDP, Hon. James Dugo, had said it was unbelievable to many people that PDP could make waves with Governor Seriake Dickson and even Hon. Douye Diri, both from small communities, but the party in his tenure, and Bayelsans delivered the candidates at the polls.
Hon. Dugo, urged Sampou, Kolga and the entire state to replicate the same support for the party and its candidates in forthcoming elections.
Earlier in a solidarity speech, a staunch member of the PDP in Odi, Comdr. Koku Imananaghan, urged Odi and Kolokuma voters to vote for all candidates of the PDP from presidential, to National Assembly and the State House of Assembly.
In their vote of thanks, candidates of the party thanked the party chieftains and the electorates for accepting their candidatures, and solicited for massive votes.
Highlight of the ceremony at Sampou, was conferment of chieftaincy title of Boloukorowei Keni (Champion of Development) of Sampou on Hon. Douye Diri by the Sampou Council of Chiefs, as reward for effectively representing his people.

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