
Why campiagn in Afghanistan and Iraq when polls are in Ghana- Lydia Alhassan asks Dumelo



TRACKING___Member of Parliament (MP) for Ayawaso West Wuogon Constituency, Lydia Seyram Alhassan has observed that her closest contender in the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for the 2020 polls, John Dumelo may be targeting the wrong persons he is delivering his campaign message to. She disclosed that being a politician goes beyond likes of posts or images put on social media warning that Ghanaian actor turned politician could be banking his hopes on the wrong persons who have no correlation with the constituency to win the seat.

According to her, politics goes beyond being a social media hero and getting millions of likes as it is based on one’s relationship with the grassroots persons.

” Politics is not about pushing trucks in the community and putting it on social media to get 1m views, most of the people are not even in the constituency, some are in Afghanistan and Iraq. Politics is about what you do for the grassroots and youth in the Constituency,” Hon. Lydia Seyram Alhassan revealed on Accra-based Kingdom Fm monitored by MyNewsGh.com.


Popularity does not win votes – Tweeps advise Dumelo

In December last year, John Dumelo advised in similar fashion to get in touch with the people because that’s the only way he can win votes.

