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Why we invaded Daily Trust offices – Nigerian Army



The Nigerian Army has confirmed it invaded the offices of Daily Trust newspapers

– The army said the action was taken to invite the organisation’s journalists responsible for the publication of a classified military operation plans

– The article was said to have detailed a major military plan operation to flush out elements of Boko Haram from Baga and its environs


The Nigerian Army has admitted invading the offices of Daily Trust newspapers offices in Maiduguri, Abuja and Lagos.

The army said the action was taken to invite the organisation’s journalists responsible for the publication of a classified military operation plans.

In a statement sent to journalists by its spokesman, Brigadier-General Sani Usman, the army said the disclosure of such classified information by the newspaper undermined national security hence its reporters responsible were being invited for question.


According to him, the invitation is for further investigation and if need be, all those responsible will be prosecuted by the relevant law enforcement agency.

Usman said: “The disclosure of classified security information amounts to a breach of national security and run contrary to Sections 1 and 2 of the Official Secrets Act.

“It afforded the Boko Haram terrorists prior notice of our plans and giving them early warning to prepare against the Nigerian military, thus sabotaging the planned operations and putting the lives of troops in imminent and clear danger.’’


He further explained that the invitation was done with the best of intention to make the reporters realise the import of such acts to national security.

“We, however, wish to enjoin further that they should eschew jeopardising national security in their reportage.

“We would not tolerate situation where a publication would consistently side with terrorists and undermine our national institutions,’’ he added.


Armed soldiers had on Sunday, January 6, invaded Daily Trust offices in Maiduguri, Borno state, Abuja and Lagos.

In the Maiduguri office, the soldiers arrested the regional editor, Uthman Abubakar and a reporter, Ibrahim Sawab.

At the Abuja office of the newspaper, the soldiers forced the gate open and drove in with three vans loaded with armed soldiers. Everyone in the building was asked to move to the ground floor while they move computers while the military personnel retrieved the phones of all staff member in the office.

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