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Wike spits fire as #RevolutionNow protest fails in Rivers



TRACKING>>The #RevolutionNow protest currently going on in some states in Nigeria has met a brick rock in Rivers state as it failed to hold.

Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike

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Governor Nyesom Wike had warned that the protest would not be allowed to hold in the state and ordered security operatives to ensure his order was adhered to.

Early in the morning in Port Harcourt, about 10 vans with security agencies made up of Police, Department of Security Service, DSS and the Civil Defence had condoned off Isaac Boro Park, one of the take-off points for the protests.


At about 11am, there were no protesters in sight as the entrance gates to the Isaac Park were securely locked.

Daily business activities were seen going on as usual within the vicinity of Isaac Boro Park without disruption by fully armed by security agencies.

The police also launched a stop-and-search on passers-by, especially the youths.


However, Wike had, in a statement signed by Simeon Nwakaudu, his Special Assistant on Electronic Media, said “Rivers State does not subscribe to what the RevolutionNow protest represents and Rivers State is not part of the protest.

He directed security agencies in the state to arrest anybody involved in the RevolutionNow protest and also take all necessary steps to prosecute such persons.

“All council chairmen are directed to be at alert. If they suspect any illegal gathering, they should report to the security agencies for immediate action,” Wike had said.

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