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2023: CISLAC rallies support for CCB’s online asset declaration implementation.



With only a few months until the 2023 general elections, the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre, CISLAC, has urged the government, media, and other civil society organizations to support the Code of Conduct Bureau’s initiative to operationalize online asset declaration for those seeking public office.

Auwal Rafsanjani, Chairman of CISLAC, stated at a virtual meeting on Tuesday during a capacity training for journalists that online asset declaration was necessary for engendering accountability and integrity in public officers.

While urging candidates to ensure the CCB’s full compliance with asset declaration laws, Rafsanjani tasked the Bureau with investigating asset declaration offenses and referring such offenses to the tribunal for trial.


He did, however, charge the CCB with investigating previous leaks concerning non-compliance with asset declaration when the officers take office.

He regretted that, despite the fact that the Panama Papers exposed 110 prominent Nigerians in 2016, no meaningful action was taken in terms of criminal investigation, prosecution, or asset confiscation, adding that the only thing the government could do is form a Panama Papers investigation committee.

“Despite the obvious violation of existing legislations and policies regulating assets declaration for political officers and public servants, no political price has been incurred by these Nigerian politicians, military leaders, and civil servants implicated by the reports.” CISLAC Chairman took note.


“As we approach 2023, we want candidates to declare their assets publicly and tell us about their commitment to the people,” he says.

“There is no way corruption can be fought in the world without asset declaration taken seriously, so it is important we have candidates committing to declaring their assets. Furthermore, adequate support should be provided to the Code of Conduct Bureau and Code of Conduct Tribunal in their efforts to combat corruption and operationalize their online asset declaration initiative.

“The CCB, for its part, should investigate asset declaration offenses and refer such offenses to the tribunal for adjudication.”


In his remarks, Lukman Adefolahan, Chief Operating Officer of the 21st Century Community Empowerment for Youth and Women Initiative, called for the constitution to be amended to reflect 21st-century realities and for the CCB to review its strategies and develop an actionable SWOT analysis.

On his part, the representative of CCB Chairman Prof Mohammed Isah urged the media to work with the Bureau to educate the public about the importance of asset declaration, emphasizing that ignorance is not an excuse in court.

He also called for more judges, claiming that the tribunal’s three-judge panel had slowed the prosecution process.


“There are three judges at the tribunal, which slows the prosecution process; therefore, advocacy for more judges is essential to expedite the process.” He stated

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