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NLC is enraged over an alleged plot to deregister ASUU.



Ibekimi Oriamaja Reports

The Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, warned yesterday against reported Federal Government moves to revoke the registration license of the Academic Staff Union of Universities for failing to submit audited financial returns for more than five years.

The NLC insisted that ASUU had submitted all financial reports up to 2021, despite claims that it had failed to submit audited financial returns to the Registrar of Trade Unions for more than five years, as required by law.

In response to media reports that the federal government may withdraw ASUU’s registration due to the alleged violations, the NLC stated that ASUU submitted its financial reports twice, but they were both purposefully rejected.


In a letter to the Registrar of Trade Unions and copied to the Minister of Labour and Employment, Ayuba Wabba, President of the NLC, warned against attempts to de-register or withdraw ASUU’s registration license.

The NLC stated, among other things, in a letter dated September 2022, “We understand that ASUU has responded to your query to submit its Annual Financial Report and Audited Accounts within 72 hours.” In a letter dated September 9, 2022, ASUU responded to the inquiry. In the letter, the union claimed that it had submitted Annual Financial Reports and Audited Accounts for 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. ASUU also stated that as of September 9, 2022, the union had completed its accounting for 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021.

“We understand that due to disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the union was unable to fill these reports immediately after the financial documents were prepared and ready for filing.” We also understand that, despite the COVID-19 disruptions, the union paid for statutorily required filing fees.


“We also understand that ASUU dispatched one of their staff and their external auditor on September 9, 2022, to deliver the requested financial documents, but their efforts to submit the documents were thwarted by your staff, who insisted that they were under orders not to accept any document from ASUU.” ASUU then sent the requested financial documents via courier, but your office staff refused to accept the Annual Financial Returns and Audited Accounts from ASUU once more.

“Given the current impasse, we write to request that you accept ASUU’s Annual Financial Returns and Audited Accounts in accordance with Section 37(1) of the Trade Union Act CAP TILFN 2004.”

ASUU President Professor Emmanuel Osodeke had previously written to the Registrar of Trade Unions to inform him of the development.


In a letter dated September 9, 2022, titled Re: Non-rendition to annual financial returns and audited accounts, Professor Osodeke, among others, stated, “I wish to draw your attention to the fact that, on receipt of the letter under reference, the Union submitted the Annual Financial Returns and Audited Accounts for 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 to your office.” As a result, the union did not fail, neglect, or refuse to file its required Annual Financial Reports and Audited Accounts. Meanwhile, as of today, September 9, 2022, the Union has rendered the account for 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 within the 72 hours specified by your office.”

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