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The NSCDC parades a phony doctor who defrauded 25 POS operators in Ekiti



By Adeleye Kunle

Ayodeji Ademiluyi, 36, was arrested by the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) Ekiti State Command for impersonating a medical doctor and defrauding Point-of-Sale operators in the state capital.

Ademiluyi was paraded at the Corps’ Counterterrorism Unit on Tuesday, August 9, alongside another suspect, Innocent Ekpako, who stole and fled with his master’s money. Tolu Afolabi, NSCDC Public Relations Officer, stated that the two were apprehended as a result of an intelligence report and the hard work of the counterterrorism unit. Ademiluyi defrauded POS operators by sending them fake alerts and collecting cash.


According to Afolabi, the suspect used an app on his phone, which also triggered a call from his phony hospital informing him that a patient required his attention. According to the PRO, one of the suspect’s tricks was to use bank applications to make false transactions, after which he would receive a bogus call from his bogus hospital claiming that a patient required his immediate attention. The POS operator will then consider his or her status and allow him or her to leave, only to discover later that he or she has been duped.

“He was defrauding over 25 POS operators in Ado Ekiti before men from the counter-terrorism unit launched a manhunt for him with their dragnet, which paid off when he was arrested yesterday. “Preliminary investigation revealed that he is not a doctor, but an okada rider,” according to the statement “He stated this. Afolabi explained that the other suspect, Ekpako, was a former sales representative at a store in Ado Ekiti before being sent on an errand with some money that he did not return. He vanished into thin air until he was tracked down, apprehended, and charged in Cross River State.

The two suspects have both admitted to the crime. Mr. John Olatunde Fayemi, the state Commandant, has warned POS operators and shop owners in the state to be cautious of their employees and customers, as the state command has been inundated with complaints about POS fraud and stealing, which is not good for the state. The commandant read a riot act to criminal elements in the state, advising them to either leave the state or change their ways, as the command and her crime fighters’ units are always ready to trace, track, and arrest perpetrators wherever they are so that the law can punish them appropriately.


He vowed that the suspects would be charged in court as soon as the command completed its investigation. The post NSCDC parades bogus medical doctor who defrauded 25 Ekiti POS operators appeared first on Track News.

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